LEADING SELF: Drivers of Success


What gets you up in the morning and racing to get to work on building your venture? Check out Daniel Pink's talk below on Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us.

It is true that we are all motivated by different things and the nature of the work or goal we have set for ourselves can inform which rewards will work and which won't.

Are you extrinsically or intrinsically motivated? Or a little bit of both maybe?

Are you more likely to want recognition as a reward? Do you see rewards as something more tangible? Or do you prefer to treat yourself to the thrill of a new experience?

What about personal satisfaction or acquiring knowledge? Do these types of intrinsic rewards play a greater role in your motivation?

Looking for Goal Tracking tools to help you keep up with the many personal and other goals you are juggling?

Check these out: http://lifehacker.com/5873909/five-best-goal-tracking-services


1. Watch Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us to help you identify what motivates you.

2. Create a weekly rewards framework that will help you celebrate successes down the road.

3. Then click print and post that to you bathroom mirror, office bulletin board or kitchen fridge.

Learning Objectives

The purpose of this exercise is to define your drivers of success and create a framework of rewards that will work for you. Featured skills and competencies include: analytical skills, being decisive, and being strategic.

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